Pain in your muscles that won’t go away?

It may feel like it’s a tight muscle, and you may be trying lots of massage, or foam rolling without success?

Emotions can also have an impact on what’s going on with the bodies nervous system and this can show up as a soft tissue problem or pain in a muscle or joint in the body.

Release from these old cycles is something I specialize in, using the PDTR method.
Contact me or email me at today to inquire and tell me what is going on with your body.


This exercise is a MUST for upper back development.

The eccentric supinated chin up has superior mass building qualities and and develops high levels of functional strength. Bring you chin over the bar and hold for 30secs. Then lower yourself in a slow and controlled manner.

what a college basketball coach looks for in a recruit. Interview with Larry Lewis

What a college Basketball Coach looks for in a recruit. The interview and Podcast #6. Keith Alpert interviews Larry Lewis who is the assistant basketball coach at the University of California at Santa Barbara. Larry is a former assistant coach with the Sacramento Kings and the Lakers. Larry is a longtime professional player and a past client of Keith’s. Here is the discussion that any up-coming athlete or parent should hear. Podcast #6 Podcast Apple itunes Spotify Timestamp of the discussion; 0.58 How Larry and Keith met, and how Keith changed Larry’s body. 2.48 How long Larry played and at what age he retired.


Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!
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